For the unversed, ‘Kaathal – The Core’s story revolves around George Devassy (Mammootty), who is a decorated official who recently retired from a co-operative bank and lives with his wife Omana (Jyotika), daughter Ferni and Geroge’s father Devassy. On a Sunday morning, after church rituals, George decides to contest for the upcoming Panchayat Elections and gives his nomination. But to everyone’s shock, two days later his wife Omana files for a divorce in the family court stating that George is in a homosexual relationship for the last few years with Thankan, his friend who runs a driving school in the same village. The news spreads like wildfire across the village and the allegation becomes a grave issue with George’s candidateship becoming doubtful. Omana does not see George’s sexual orientation as a crime, only wanting a divorce, but George strongly opposes these allegations. The film explores the politics of society’s mindset towards homosexuals.