Mai on Netflix is a gripping and emotional series that revolves around a mother's undying love for her daughter. The series stars Sakshi Tanwar, Wamiqa Gabbi, Prashant Narayanan, Raima Sen, Anant Vidhat Sharma, and Vaibhav Raj Gupta in lead roles. It follows the story of Sheel Chaudhary, a middle-class mother and nurse, who witnesses the tragic death of her daughter, Supriya, in a pre-planned murder disguised as an accident. As Sheel sets out to uncover the truth about her daughter's death, she transforms from meek to merciless in her pursuit of justice. The series showcases the struggle of a mother who refuses to accept her daughter's death and fights against the corrupt system to bring the perpetrators to justice. This Mother's Day, watch Mai on Netflix and witness the poignant journey of a mother's rage and love.