Videos in general always had a great power since their invention. Today, with technology being so advanced and with everyone carrying a cell phone and glued to it all the time, there is just no escape. One definitely has to filter what content to watch, how much time to devote watching and most importantly, what lesson to take from there. When it comes to cinema/shows, obviously it does have a greater impact on society. No doubt that it’s a great escape from real life. It connects to people of other cultures, takes you to places one hasn’t travelled and shows you the things that one has no idea about. There is so much to witness and learn and it makes one more aware and also helps to improvise in emergency situations. But then, just like any other thing, it too comes with its negative side. Often cinema stereotypes various things and creates false notions of people and communities. It is also considered to be a waste of time and money as some contents are pure trash and don’t teach something valuable. Not to mention, the demonstration of violent/sexual content. But at the end of the day, it’s one's own awareness and maturity on what exactly to watch and what things to take from it as a lesson. Eventually, it depends on the person regarding how much one is allowed to get impacted/influenced by those contents. One shouldn’t set unrealistic and unreal expectations from it but instead channel it all to learning and getting new insights into life.