In the horror anthology of Netflix - Ghost Stories, a quartet of creative Indian Directors fare with their spooky, paranormal, and macabre collection of distinct stories. While all the stories unveil a different tale from a unique angle - not all the four stories captured the essence perfectly. They will hook you on to your screens with questions dangling in your mind.
VFX effects, plot-depth, grotesque characters are not so 'spineless' after all. I bet you'll re-watch Ghost Stories if you get the points right!
4-1 Horror Anthology
Spoilers Alert: After the humungous success of Netflix’s Lust Stories - The 4 gifted directors: Zoya Akhtar, Anurag Kashyap, Dibakar Banerjee, and Karan Johar presents intriguing tales, unlike the 'old-school spooky tales.'