
Sip A Corker

Red wine, white wine…unt­wine the mystery of the juice of fermented crushed grapes with some good music, echoing from the rolling hills of Nashik this February 1 and 2. Or, simply be the sommelier to your love by the tranquil Gangapur lake. The occasion? The 13th SulaFest, dubbed India’s biggest vineyard gig, will mark two decades of Sula Vineyards.

The festival has an impressive line-up—British chart-toppers Hot Chip, the Merchant brothers, Salim–Sulaiman, Dutch-Kiwi trio My Baby (Joost van Dijck, Cato van Dijck and Daniel ‘Dafreez’ Johnston), and The Local Train (Ramit Mehra, Raman Negi, Sahil Sarin and Paras Thakur). Expect a mash-up, a good one—Hot Chip spinning tracks from their latest record, the Merchants plugging the Bollywood vibe in open amphitheatre and hypnotic dance mixes from cross-continental Babies.

But the best sound, worthy of a ringtone, will be the POP when the cork exits the bottle of vino. The festival offers a range of wine-cen­tric experiences. Know your wines, swirl like a pro and play some wine games. Cycle along the vines, camp under the stars, or get a vino spa.

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