
Grammy Winner John Batiste Secretly Married Suleika Jaouad

Singer John Batiste and Suleika Jaouad recently spoke about the latter's struggle with cancer and revealed that they got married before her bone marrow transplant, in a secret ceremony.

Singer John Batiste, who recently won five Grammys, has revealed that he secretly married his longtime girlfriend Suleika Jaouad. This was before Jaouad’s bone marrow transplant.

According to an interview with CBS Sunday Morning, Batiste and Jaouad revealed that they did not even have wedding bands at the time and that it was a very small, but beautiful affair.

“We had this tiny, beautiful little ceremony. We didn’t have wedding bands, we used bread ties,” Jaouad said. She added, that the ceremony was private, and only four people were present. “And it was perfect,” she said. 

Recently, eight days before the Grammys 2022 nominations, Jaouad began her second round of chemotherapy. She said that her second battle with cancer was tougher than the first. Describing it, she is said that it was “far more aggressive than it had been a decade ago.”

Talking about how she felt while waiting for Chemo and acknowledging people’s wishes for the nomination simultaneously, she said, “We’re sitting in this chemo suite together and these phone calls of congratulations are coming and we’re having to hold these two realities,” she said.

She underwent her bone marrow transplant when the world was battling Omicron and Batiste was unable to stay with her. However, he would chat with her virtually and would even write her a lullaby. “It felt like he was right there, you know, sleeping by my bedside,” she said, while Batiste added that he wrote the lullabies “to fill the room with this healing properties.”

The couple has been together for the last eight years. “Ok this has happened, but this isn’t gonna interrupt the plan that we had, this is just a bump in the road… it’s an act of defiance. The darkness will try to overtake you, but just turn on the light; focus on the light, hold on to the light,” said Batiste. 

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