
How Laqshay Kapoor's Soulful Voice Provided Hope To A Worried Daughter Of An Ailing Mother

Laqshay Kapoor once again proves that soulful music can provide a ray of hope to people who’re either under stress or worries for something or the other in their lives. Here’s what happened.

We often hear about the power of music and how a voice can sometimes lead you towards light in the darkest times. While we usually only hear about such stories, something in reality recently happened with singer Laqshay Kapoor when his soulful voice became a ray of hope for a worried daughter in the last few months of her ailing mother's life.

Sangeeta Prasad, a Mumbai-based fan of Laqshay, recounted a story about her mother who recently passed away at the age of 87, suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's. The lady was almost blind, very frail and used to feel totally helpless and depressed. It was like she had given up on life, but while her daughter was scrolling through IG reels last year, she came across one of Laqshay's songs and her mom, who was sitting with her, instantly insisted on hearing it again and again.

Sangeeta Prasad informs, “Laqshay's voice brought a smile on my mother’s face and a twinkle in her eyes whenever she heard his songs. It became a trigger for her happiness. After initially feeling hesitant, on January 25 last year, I messaged Laqshay about this and requested if he could sing my mom's favourite song, Naina. I was surprised as Laqshay agreed to do it and once he recorded the song, my mother started opening up, smiling and singing too. She even referred to Laqshay as 'Mera Naina wala bachcha', often confusing him with her own grandson.”

“Few months later when she was diagnosed with last stage breast cancer, and started fading away, not wanting to talk or eat, it was only by playing Laqshay's songs day and night that I was able to feed her and get her to smile and even sing. Every morning, the first thing she would say was, 'Naina wala bachcha ka gana laga de'. Even towards the end, when in and out of consciousness, she used to respond to Laqshay's voice and open her eyes and react,” she adds.

While Sangeeta’s mother might have passed away now, she still listens to all Laqshay's songs, especially Naina for it brings back good memories of her mom. She calls the youngster as son of God for her mom and family, as his voice gave her mom the strength in the toughest times and continues to do so and she refers to Laqshay as a second son to her. This just proves the power one's work can have over someone's life, even without knowing them. Laqshay is indeed a blessed and special artist touching the hearts of millions & spreading happiness & love with his soulful voice, & this family would surely agree.

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