In the vibrant city of Mumbai, the show follows the inspiring story of Sanjay Sharma (Vishal Vashishtha), a smart and ambitious young man determined to break free from his father’s norms and older brother’s shadow. Belonging to an average middle-class family, Sanjay's parents pin their hopes on him to succeed in life as he moves to the big city to study further. After adjusting to life on campus in a top-tier engineering college, he realizes that he wants to start something of his own, that he wants to become an entrepreneur, much to the disapproval of his strict father (Anurag Arora). Despite facing various obstacles, Sanjay strives to stand out from the crowd and prove himself different from his fellow classmates and his successful older brother. Throughout the series, Sanjay experiences ups and downs, but he eventually figures out an idea, focusing on affordable Paying Guest accommodations for newcomers struggling in an unfamiliar city. The support behind his idea's execution comes from his caring mother, friends, classmates, and a reluctant mentor named Mihir (Samir Kochhar). They are right behind Sanjay, supporting and advising him as takes a step and becomes a part of the world of start-ups.