
Mallika Sarabhai

IN a no holds barred exchange, dancer and actress Mallika Sarabhai gives as good as she gets

You've been called an actress among dancers, a dancer among actresses. Comment.
The Darpana Academy of Dance has spawned just two dancers: Mrinalini and Mallika. The I, Me and Mine Academy?
You're considered a better actress off screen than on screen. Valid?
You're accused of exploiting the Sarabhai tag to unfair advantage. Comment.
Attitude Annie, Ms Management, Libber, Radical, Clotheshorse, Impressario...Would the REAL Ms Sarabhai please stand up?
Relationships, marriage, babies and boyfriends. All on your own terms. Unwitting role model for savvy women or is there a method in your madness?
Malavika Sarrukai, Alarmel Valli, Sonal Mansingh, Yamini Krishnamoorthy, Leela Samson, Mallika Sarabhai. Can you list them in order of achievement and competence levels?
Mapin and Mahabharata, chat shows and chutzpah. What next, Mallika?
Are you planning to do anything new in theatre?
In film?
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