The controversial book, released five months back, revolves around the story of Rao's late father, Prakash Rao, who retired as head constable. What's upsetting the powers-that-be is that its main theme is the atrocities perpetrated by lower-rung police officers. His immediate superiors promptly slapped a show cause notice on Rao for violating Rule 13 of APCS (Conduct) of 1964, which says: "No government employee shall, without the previous permission of the government, publish any book which is not purely of a literary, artistic or scientific character. While applying for permission to publish a book, he shall submit to government a manuscript copy thereof...." But Rao contends that his work is purely literary and doesn't violate the rule. "Have those of my IPS ranking superiors, who are engaged in writing, taken permission? If not, how can there be different rules for different people in the department?" he asks.