The Gothenburg book-fair in Sweden, one of the biggest in Europe, celebratedits 20th anniversary in the last week of September with a focus on Britishliterature. Though the book-fair is primarily a celebration of Swedishliterature - with several hundred Swedish authors present - each year has aforeign literature theme as well. A sizeable contingent of British writers waspresent this year. In the upper floor of the book-fair hall where the seminarsand readings took place, one spotted David Lodge walking into a Gore Vidalseminar (who, with Robert Bly, was one of the two American writers present as anexception to the British theme), Adam Thirlwell, the recent Granta discovery,gazing through glass walls at the crowds in the bookstalls below, and MargaretDrabble on the escalator wearing the same prim look that she had when acting asmoderator on various panels, but one which is hard to connect with her novels.