

Publishers do brisk business, courtesy the Afghanistan war and more...

Afghanistan and the Taliban—The Rebirth of Fundamentalism
Holy War, Inc: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden

But if Bergen is uncomfortable with the speed with which his publisher ran his manuscript to the press, what would he say of Indian publishers, many of whom commission a manuscript and rush it to the printers and the bookshops in a record three weeks?

Even before Maneka Gandhi extracted huge damages from HarperCollins, the publishing house in UK was shivering under the threat of a new round of lay-offs and cutbacks. And now Rupert Murdoch’s parent company wants to part ways with Rupa, which also runs HarperCollins India, and hand it over to a new, more aggressive and ambitious partner. The whisper among authors is that Rupa is getting the axe for Ruchir Joshi’s The Last Jet-Engine Laugh, their biggest find this year, bombing at the bookshops. Was it bad promotion or bad writing? The debate rages on.

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