

Gandhigiri spreads and why everyone is not delighted at the prospect of Salman Rushdie descending on Jaipur's litfest...

Bestselling Gandhi

Manic About The Mahatma

Few are aware that copyright on Gandhi's voluminous writings (surely he beats Barbara Cartland's record as most productive writer?) comes to an end in exactly three years. But unlike the Tagore trust that lost its steam when copyright lapsed, Gandhi's Navayana Trust is not too worried about losing their goldmine. In true Gandhian style, they say it's not the money that matters (Rs 10-20 lakh a year), but spreading the word. Besides, who can beat their pricing—Rs 30 a copy for My Experiments With Truth.

No Rush For Rushdie
Not everyone is delighted at the prospect of Salman Rushdie descending on Jaipur's litfest. The fatwa-ridden litstar is a security nightmare, and police plan to seal him up in an undisclosed hotel room until it's his turn to sing for his supper at the litfest.

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