

Penguin's international marketing wiz takes over India ops, <i >Birth of Brahma</i> follows <i >Death of Vishnu</i> and Davidar's <i >Solitude of Emperors</i> awaits its launch in September.

Mike Testing 1, 2, 3
The World is Flat, Freakonomics
The Argumentative Indian

Return Of Suri

With two-book deals based on the flimsiest writing proposals now becoming the trend, one had almost forgotten Manil Suri. Remember the mathematician who came with all the advance hype for a soon-forgotten novel set in a Mumbai chawl called Death of Vishnu? Well, he's resurfacing after five years with the next in his trilogy, Birth of Brahma. To be launched internationally this September, publishers abroad say this book (with the now mandatory sub-theme of incest) won't be forgotten soon like the first.

Woh Kaun?
At least one Hindi publisher is relieved that David Davidar is no longer chief of Penguin India. When Davidar's House of Blue Mangoes was launched, he was 'persuaded' into buying the Hindi rights. Of course, it didn't do well, but he put down the losses to building goodwill. Somehow, the launch of Davidar's Solitude of Emperors this September isn't bringing on those anxiety pangs.

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