

Ram Guha’s latest named as one of the year’s five best non-fiction books by Washington Post while publishers try new stunts to find ways of repackaging old books.

Pages In Homage
Swamy and Friends

Square Root
The worst thing about signing two-book deals is that the fabulous advance gets split up into three or four instalments. Manil Suri, the US maths professor who made news after he sold The Death of Vishnu to Bloomsbury, has finally surfaced with his second book: The Age of Shiva. It will hit bookstores here only in January, but the hype has begun.

Famous Fives
It’s that time of the year when authors and their publishers begin anxiously scanning newspapers.The season of litprizes, big and small, is over, but not the race to make it to the year’s Best Books of the Year columns. Picador is already celebrating because Ramachandra Guha’s India After Gandhi has been named as one of the year’s five best non-fiction books by Washington Post.

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