

Nair Say Never, Fests Are Forever and why Qurratulain Hyder was luckier than Ghalib...

Nair Say Never

Fests Are Forever

Despite the Kitab litfest coming to a rather messy end, with a dozen writers joining the boycott call, the appetite for litfests seems to be undiminished. The next big thing is the Asia-Pacific-iit Festival of Writing to be held in Delhi and Shimla in October this year. This one plans to go the whole hog: litstars, creative writing workshops, translations, conference on new writing from the region and more.

Her Inkpots ’n Pans
It took nearly 150 years for Ghalib to get his own museum, but Qurratulain Hyder was luckier. Within months of her passing away, she has a museum to herself in the Jamia University. There are her books and diaries, of course, but mostly her crockery, cutlery, jewellery and clothes. Wonder what that says about her writing?

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