

"My book is about a friendship based upon mutual vomiting practices in high school" and other Rs 97 lakh deals

Greener The Purse...
Tiger Hills
If I Could Tell You

Authors, Authors!
It’s not just Indian publishers who are being taken so seriously at the London Book Fair. Included in the 45-strong delegation of writers, translators and critics are authors Chetan Bhagat and Anuja Chauhan.

Perfectly Spuky
This may sound like an aggrieved author venting spleen at her publisher: "Take yourselves off the pedestals you stand on and stop acting like we should feel privileged that you allow us to bow and scrape to gain your attention.... To say it plainly, without us you are nothing." But this is a writer abroad reacting to a group of literary agents who complained via Twitter about the moronic queries they get—a sample: "My book is about a friendship based upon mutual vomiting practices in high school."

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