

On David Davidar, what’s left to say? But will India’s publishing legend live down the scandal?

Star-Crossed David

Bibliofile has a grouse against David Davidar’s counterclaim in the sexual harassment case he is facing in Canada. His lawyer has given so many spicy details of the “consensual, flirtatious relationship” he had with his then colleague, Lisa Rundle, what’s left to say? The tennis games, the theatre, lunches, kisses (two), the request for a raise shortly after the second kiss, the $10,000 promotion—all spelt out in cold legalese in a three-page statement by Davidar’s Toronto lawyer, Peter Downard. So will India’s publishing legend live down the scandal? Easily, judging by the way the publishing community here has rallied behind him.

Safe Houses

The world over, Davidar’s case is triggering introspection about the sexual harassment inherent in publishing because it’s a small world and the execs are usually men. But in India, major publishers are mostly women: HarperCollins, Random House, Picador, Full Circle, Westland, Roli Books, Zubaan and many others. Which means bosses here can be accused of being mean or task-masters, but not of treating you like geisha.

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