

While the guessing game is on about the characters from Delhi’s social circles in literary impresario Namita Gokhale’s latest novel, let’s see if you can recognise this one...

Around A Corner

I know at least three people who claim they saw it coming. I wish I could say the same, but when Penguin India announced Chiki Sarkar as its new publisher, you could have knocked me down with the lightest of volumes in our mountain-high slush pile. Chiki is known in litcircles for several things—as Random House’s first editor-in-chief in India, a passionate promoter of debut authors she believes in, thrower of amazing house parties, and daughter of Penguin’s Indian owner, Aveek Sarkar. To her credit, the last is the least of her assets for the job. Most authors or publishers agree Chiki is what ageing Penguin India needs: fresh blood.

David, Other Stars

It’s the best of times for not just writers in India, but publishers and editors too. With Random House losing its publisher to Penguin, we are likely to see games of musical chairs till August, when Chiki quits Random House and joins Penguin. Former Penguin publisher Ravi Singh is still playing his cards close to the chest: but he has two options: will he go ahead and join David Davidar’s Aleph, as everyone is expecting, or will he take Chiki’s place in Random House?

Shrilly Sibilant

While the guessing game is on about the characters from Delhi’s social circles in literary impresario Namita Gokhale’s latest novel, Priya in Incredible Indya, let’s see if you can recognise this one: she’s a gossip diva with an acid pen called Shriela Shetty “who takes the piss out of just about anyone.” A smiling viper who innocently disclaims, “I don’t know why people get upset with my column.” No prizes for guessing!

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