

Publishing experiments with mobile apps, Ritu Beri's book launch and a tribute to Angela Carter

Helping on an App

Publishing house Juggernaut has many new ideas it wants to try, especially in the mobile phone space. Their new book with diet and fitness author Rujuta Diwekar, Indian Superfood, will first be available on the Juggernaut App when it launches later this month. It will be interactive—readers will be able to sample parts or buy the whole book. The physical book itself will be available in stores later. It’s a first in Indian publishing and other pla­­yers will be keenly watching how well the book sells on the app, if readers here are ready for it.

Fashion Whispers

The book launch of ace fashion designer Ritu Beri’s autobiographical The Fire of a Restless Mind had the capital's prominent people in attenda­nce. Beri herself was stunning in her black off-shoulder dress and all the participants on the dais—Praful Patel, Anupam Kher, Najma Heptullah, Meena­kshi Lekhi, Amitabh Kant and Raza Murad—couldn’t help pra­­ising her for looking so good for so long. She was in the first batch of National Institute of Fashion Design (NIFD) and was one of the first to put Indian fashion on the global catwalk.

Get In Carterland

The extraordinary Angela Carter would have been 76 this month. Her sudden death when she was just 52 left the whole English writing, and reading, world stunned. The original ‘magic realist’, she brought life back to the somewhat listless English fiction of the early ’70s. Right from her first book, Sha­dow Dance, the story of a once beautiful girl with a long knife scar across her face, and the men around her, Carter gets it pat. Her brilliant twist to fairy tales in The Bloody Chambers is unmatched till now. Time to pick up a Carter.

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