Bombay is the city of my birth, celebrated in many of my poems. It’s not just the physical place but the deep sense of connection I have with the vibrance, the sounds, the smells, the tastes, the crowds, the colours and the overall wonderful sense of life. My emotional ties to the city have remained strong, no matter in which other cities I have lived. What is also most important is that I grew up in the Bombay of one world. I had friends and neighbours from every walk of life and different faiths. There was an open acceptance of beliefs, ideas, and of course wholehearted participation in each other’s customs and traditions. Living in harmony made the city beautiful and minimised our differences. It didn’t even feel like we had any differences. I belonged to this unique landscape. My father, the late poet Nissim Ezekiel, in his poem Island said, ‘I cannot leave the island/I was born there and belong.’ I echo his words. Though I have left Bombay, I belong there spiritually and emotionally.