
On The Racks

Ashok Dhar
Kashmir As I See It | Rupa

In this collection of essays, the aut­­hor, a Kashmiri Pandit exile, shares personal narratives of his homeland, travels (to Pakistan amongst others), geopolitical ana­lyses and historical titbits. He explores diverse aspects of post-­Independence India’s most persistent conflict and emphasises the importance of Kashmiriyat, the state’s fabled syncretic culture that the longstanding violence has obscured.

Pavan K. Varma
Chanakya’s View | Westland

Why is India the world’s largest arms importer? Why do MPs disrupt Parliament and waste taxpayers’ money? Varma, a politician and former bureaucrat, seeks answers as he explores the gamut of challenges that India faces, especially in def­e­nce, diplomacy and security. He takes inspiration from Chanakya and offers a roadmap to make the most of the country’s rich heritage and institutions.

Manreet Sodhi Someshwar
The Radiance Of A Thousand Sons | Harper Collins

Niki moves from India to New York to finish her dead father’s book. Her obsession with an immigrant woman there threatens her life. As the narrative flits from the horrors of Partition, the Emergency, 1984 riots and 9/11, the author draws upon the Mahabharata, verses of Bulleh Shah and the rom­ance of Heer and Ranjha to explore the choices women are forced to make in the face of violence.

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