I had this idea of moderating a discussion between two of my favourite writers. Oneof them, V.S. Naipaul, or to give his full name, Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, isethnically Indian but Trinidad born. He has won almost every major literary award and hasreportedly been considered for the Nobel Prize several times. He was in India recentlywith his charming wife, Nadira, to pick up another award, this time from the MaharanaMewar Foundation. This was Sir Vidias ninth trip to India. He has written 25 books,three of them on India. The Editorial Board of Modern Library has considered A Housefor Mr Biswas one of the best novels of the 20th century. In both fiction andnon-fiction, Sir Vidia has explored the emotional and political geography of what he callshalf-made societies. His unforgiving prose has won him many admirers but there are alsomany in the liberal establishment who see him as a force of reaction for not holding amore optimistic view of the developing countries. I first met him when he had come to NewYork in November 1980 to collect the prestigious Bennett Award given by the HudsonReview in recognition of "his outstanding accomplishments as a novelist and manof letters".