This is the darkest book you have written where you predict the end of India?
I am merely sounding a note of warning. I have been writing on this subject (communalism) for many years, but people tended to ignore my warning. So I was induced to put whatever I'd said together--that we had gone so far that it will be difficult for us to retrace our steps. We forget about the way the minorities have been treated, how reports by various commissions have been ignored. We let them get away with it.
Don't you think you should have written a fresh book considering the gravity of the problem?
Yes, but that would have meant a lot of research, going back to the archives, accessing the reports of various commissions. Besides, a larger book would have fewer readers and therefore less impact.
Do you think your book will have some impact?
At least on the educated--it may have some effect on the small minority who reads books, especially the fact that there are increasing intrusions on people's private lives.
Who is your reader?
Basically, boys and girls coming out of college. I want them to get angry.