Arundhati Roy: The middle and upper classes in India who completely support the neo-liberal corporateglobalization project now say, look, we have call centers, isn’t that wonderful? Not seeing that part of theproject of India having many thousands of people working for call centers, but who are they? They are also theEnglish speaking, middle class or upper middle class people, at the cost of what? Of millions losing theirlands and their jobs and the rest of the corporate globalization project, because of the privatization ofelectricity and water and removal of subsidies and so on. So once again, for a few people who arecomparatively better off getting jobs there, millions are losing jobs there. And over here, what is happeningis that the poor are losing jobs. So you have to see it as a complete process of what is happening. It’s notjust that you say, oh look, some people are losing jobs here and they’re getting jobs there. It’s just alittle part of a much larger project.