
Lisa Rundle’s Statement Of Claim

Excerpts from the plaintiff's claim filed before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice

“Commencing in early 2007, Davidar began his sexual harassment of Lisa.... He later told (her) he had looked down at her during a meeting between Penguin and Pearson and that the magic had just ‘happened’ from that moment forward.

“...throughout the period of harassment, Davidar was sending Lisa inappropriate e-mail and text messages. Commencing in late 2009, she began to retain some of the messages. (They) included Davidar e-mailing Lisa on or about October 21, 2009, that he could ‘do very little except think of’ her which was ‘seriously annoying’; sending her a Hindi/ Urdu love song in or about October 23, 2009, in which he asked her not to embarrass him by asking around for a translation, when the song clearly indicated ‘my heart, this love of mine, become yours now’; and having the messages darken to a stage that by November 10, 2009, he was e-mailing that if she did not trust him now, she never would, and that she should not be ‘stubborn’ or ‘fight (him)’.

“Davidar would send text messages to Lisa repeatedly. For example, on May 19, 2009, Davidar indicated that ‘it took all (his) self-control to stop (him)self from getting up and kissing (her) scars’ (the Plaintiff had fallen), adding that he thought she was ‘utterly gorgeous’ and he ‘drank (her) in hungrily’.”


“On some occasions Davidar would punish her by refusing to speak with her and would exclude her from regular business conversations. Davidar would also, at various times, engage in pouting, refusing to deal with her, and would attempt to isolate her from her co-workers.

“Davidar’s harassment intensified to a degree where on several occasions throughout 2008, he would call Lisa’s cellular telephone and advise her that he was outside her home late in the night, and would beg her to let him in. She would not agree, with the result that the situation at work the following day would be even more toxic.”


(In her hotel room at the Frankfurt Book Fair) “He sat on the corner of the bed, and told her to ‘come here’. He reached out for her in the small room and she pulled away. He said they do not get any time together and stated it was so rare they would be in a hotel room in a foreign country.


“Davidar came toward her and, as Lisa was trapped in the small room, she climbed onto the window ledge and stood up and asked him to go. Davidar refused, kept asking for a kiss, and told her to get down and stop acting like a child. She again told him to leave.

“He forcibly pulled her off the ledge and grabbed her by the wrists, forcing his tongue far into her mouth. He then, still confining her by the wrist, told her ‘see, that wasn’t so bad’.

“Lisa was frozen, paralysed with terror. Davidar still refused to leave.

“Lisa did not speak to him any further. She simply crawled into a foetal position on the bed and ignored him, extremely distressed. He laid down beside her and tried to rub her back or stroke her; she would move further away.”

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