The Jaswant Singh thesis is essentially the following: that India has no real strategic culture for a variety of reasons; it's had a respectable military tradition but the coming of the British and the nature of the nationalist movement under the Congress Party obscured this tradition, indeed undermined it by an emphasis on pacifism, non-violence, idealism, moralism, and a general fuddy-duddiness; that the armed forces and independent India's military operations have been muddled by all of the above plus ineffective institutions, incoherent decision-making, and timidity; that all this has culminated operationally in defence spending thats been inadequate, poorly used and often skewed in the wrong direction; and a force structure which appears to be calibrated for use against Pakistan when there are far more serious threats (China, counter-insurgency, for example). The defence of India is not just a matter of guns, training and doctrine though. In the new world disorder, other things count as well: a more imaginative foreign policy; economics; energy; environment-food-water; and demographic change (read illegal migrants). Finally, nuclear weapons count, and India must have them.