
On The Shelf

Thinking what to read next? Here's a list of books up for grabs.

Stormy Daniels

Full Disclosure | Macmillan

Publish and be damned, said the Duke of Wellington when threatened with the memoirs of Harriette Wilson. Well, Stormy Daniels has taken heed, and published this book that covers not just her alleged aff­air with Donald Trump and its fallout, but also her entire life story, more or less.  As for damnation, that would be a matter of taste.

Rachel Hollis

Girl, Wash Your Face | Nelson Books

Ever since Dale Carnegie took up his pen, profferers of wisdom have been scribbling on that eternal quest: how to be happy. Rachel Hollis, who has spun a media firm on this, tackles popular ‘lies’ (‘I am defined by my weight’; ‘Other’s kids are better’; I’m a terrible writer’) and debunks them, using examples from her own life. A cascade of folksy truths from deep Texas.

Deborah Frances-­White

The Guilty Feminist | Virago

Feminism—much admired, much maligned, most of all, much misunderstood. This, then is for Everywoman. Stand-up comedian and host of the podcast The Guilty Feminist, Frances-White tackles the history of the movement, the guilt women endure when they ask for their rights, and issues that stick in their sore throats most often. Studded with interviews with activists and thinkers, this book wears its erudition frothily.

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