A squidgy-waisted daughter of a dulcet-voiced beauty, Shari has always felt like "the stitch that slipped out of a cosy pattern". Her Family is a veritable paragon of the Saturday morning glossies, Shari has no desire to excel and finds bliss in slipshod attire; her Family gazes at distant Delhi for role models and is ashamed of being Tamilian, she finds sustenance in the Madras sea breeze and surreptitiously consumes murukkus. But now, for the first time in her life, they—the Family—have endorsed 22-year-old Shari's decision to marry an upwardly mobile computer whiz. Inevitably, this hearty familial support sets off the warning bells and she pulls back from the matrimonial brink wracked by anxiety and flees to visit friends and relatives in, where else, north India.