
Philip McDonagh

Irish Ambassador, on his new book of poems, <i >Memories of an Ionian Diplomat</i>, released at Delhi’s Dublin pub, where they also serve Guinness.

As a poet, does it surprise you how often people quote Yeats?
Your book, Memories of an Ionian Diplomat, sounds a bit Greek?
How did Megasthenes come centrestage?
Is that the role you are playing right now?
Who are your favourite poets?
Which poem do you recite most often?
The Horseman's Song
Among Indians?
Another Irish poet, James Cousins, left Dublin for India inspired by Tagore. Are you tempted to do the same?
Is Dublin in Delhi your favourite pub?
You'd like to write a script for Bollywood...
Heat and Dust
Bend it like Beckham
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