
Raghu Ram

The TV personality on his book <i >Rearview: My Roadies Journey</i>

How tall is the swearword-­spouting, rudest man on TV outside of Roadies?

He’s 5’10. The Roadies Raghu would rather punch first, but off-screen, he’s a quiet, non-confrontational guy happy to be home reading Sherlock Holmes, drinking endless cups of tea.

You really think schools are vicious places? Is that where you figured out the bully theory?

In school, bullies picked on weaker people. Any kind of bullying turned me off—racism, sexism, chauvinism. But who could stop ‘macho guys’?

Are you still shy around girls, never making eye contact with them?

I was terrified of Sonika Arora, my first crush. Even now, I feel very inhibited around women.

In your book, you say that people who don’t measure up to the ‘system’ rock the world.

Anyone different is rejected by the world, but it’s these people who rock the world. Like Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Tom Cruise....

So, did the star Raghu have his first burnout at age 26?

I left my job, started playing the guitar and gave up religion.

What made you fall in love with MTV?

I was mesmerised by MTV—the cool VJs, songs, dances. When I started working as a light boy at a TV set, I only wanted to be with MTV.

What are you yet to do with Roadies?

I want to do an India versus Pakistan episode. If that happens, I would have made it.

Why turn to writing?

I’ve always written songs—it was cathartic—and enjoyed reading. I just hope the book isn't a people-bashing exercise.

What’s the bluntest thing you’ve said in real life?

When angry I’ve said a few mean things to my wife and brother, but I normally put up with a lot of rudeness to avoid confrontation.

What’s lined up for the future?

I’ve shot for Bollywood films, but am ready to explore other talents, including TV shows.

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