Akbar is a Pakistani British resident who wants to bridge the Christian-Muslim divide in Britain even though expatriate Islamist zealots reject him out of hand. He also wants to reintroduce Jinnah to Western audiences as an acceptable figure by undoing some of the injustice done to him by Attenborough's film Gandhi. Akbar's own film on Jinnah was destroyed by his detractors in Pakistan. Secularists and Islamists attacked his script in unison, forcing the government to switch off the funding even after he had repeatedly changed the original script to please his critics. Finally nothing was left of what he had planned. Had the film not been a cinematic disaster, the West probably would have ignored a non-exotic Jinnah in any case. Despite all this, Akbar's effort can't be ignored. He has criticised the faking of Jinnah in Pakistan and his equally unfair demonisation in India.