No living writer has spawned as many books about himself as V.S. Naipaul has. Books onhim easily outnumber the over two dozen books he has written in the last 50 years.Curious, considering all his books are, by his own admission, as much about himself asabout the world he lives in. Curiouser still, as Geoffrey Wheatcroft writes in thisanthology of articles published after his Nobel win last year, considering that hehas gone out of his way, from time to time and far beyond the call of duty, to burnish hisreputation as a cantankerous curmudgeon. Those who claim he got the Nobel for hisMuslim-bashing do him an injustice: is there any man or institution or country or religionthat this most dyspeptic of writers has spared? I know it ought to be liberallywonderful to say its okay, Naipaul said not so long ago about Keynesalleged habit of sodomising his students, but I think its awful.Its this terrifying honesty that the writers in this volume celebrate inNaipaul who is, above all other things, the archetypal writers writer. The way toapproach his writing, says Amitava Kumar in his introduction, is the way Naipaul himselfapproaches every new subject: Beginning anew, without preconceptions.... In a worldthat is shrinking into rigidly opposed ideologies and camps, a willingness to start at thebeginning, relearning the alphabet of our simplest prejudices can be an act of greathumility. And creativity.