What led Indira Gandhi to take such a drastic step? Did she have to pick up the gauntletthrown down by JP on the Ramlila grounds? There is no simple answer. Her problem was much more complex thanJP's, for whom what was happening in the country was like a medieval morality play in which all the angels wereon his side. He had no dilemmas, his mind was full of certitudes. He was more attuned to the rhetoric ofrevolution than to the complexities of administering a difficult country. Indira Gandhi's situation, on theother hand, was agonizing for her. Not only was her own political future at stake, her party was under severestrain by the infighting and factionalism. Above all, she was the prime minister and she had to worry about the consequencesof her exit on the governance of the country. Her mind was a jumble of all these personal and public concerns, whichwere not easy to disentangle.