SORRAYA: Nine thousand, three hundred and fifty-nine. Imagine 9,359 tears.Men, women and children who died after passing through this surgery. I had nomedicines for most of them. At first I used to sit her every evening and weepand weep and weep, but that made me weak. I couldn't deal with the patients whowere still in the queue. There were times I thought of killing myself. Thatsurprised you. There was a time in this city when, however bad the situation,suicide was unthinkable. Last week an old schoolfriend of mine, I think you knowher, Nafisa Aziz, the novelist. Yes, her. She took her own life, but she alsotook her sixteen year old daughter with her. I understand her. I can feel herdesperation. Sometimes its easier to die than to live.. I used to feel that moreoften than you can imagine. Then you walked into my life. Remember that day, MrsMona Khalidi.