
Vibha Batra

Vibha Batra is an advertising consultant and author of nine books. Her latest, <em>Glitter and Gloss</em>, a romantic comedy, is out in bookstores.

What got you writing?

I blame the writing habit on my genes. My grandfather was an academic and I grew up surrounded by books.

Tell us about Glitter and Gloss.

The book is an out-and-out romcom garnished with exaggeration and humour!

What inspired it?

I’d just finished writing my first romance novel and didn’t know what to do after. So Glitter and Gloss came about!

Several of your novels are set in Chennai. Why is the city so special?

I was born and raised in Calcutta, but Chennai’s home. So it gets to play a starring role in my stories.

Are your characters inspired by real people?

No family member, friend, colleague or acquaintance has been harmed by any of my books.

How was translating your grandfather’s book Ishaavaasya Upanishad?

Frankly, through the process, I couldn’t sit still for a second without someone marching up to me and asking why I was twiddling my thumbs and not working.

How difficult is it to be a writer?

Not very. These days you can’t even request a friend’s aunt to review your book without her asking you to return the favour.

Do you have any techniques to get your creative juices flowing?

Remember that line from F.R.I.E.N.D.S: “Joey, don’t let them know that we know that they know....” Now, replace the word ‘them’ with writer’s block. Don’t know why it gets such a bad rep.

Apart from writing, what other interests do you have?

Eating, reading, travelling and spending inordinate amounts of time on social media sites!

Tell us a bit about your fut­ure projects.

Another romcom and a book for tweens.

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