As a leader, Dr Pinto steers the strategic direction of Ryan Group, placing emphasis on inclusivity and contemporary relevance. With 95% female teachers nationwide, her leadership radiates amiability, articulation, and awareness, leaving a lasting impact on education. Dr Grace Pinto, equally passionate about education, has dedicated her career to teaching science and math. Committed to providing intellectual, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual support, she envisions creating opportunities for women to wear as many hats as they desire. Madam Grace Pinto stands as the epitome of character and leadership—an ‘Edupreneur.’ Following Gandhi’s wisdom that educating a woman educates an entire family, she oversees the education of nearly a quarter of a million students, infusing her commitment and love for humanity to elevate educational excellence in tune with the modern era. Her commitment to providing quality education has a profound impact on families and society as a whole.