The surge in Ahmedabad, says M.L. Son-eji, executive director, ASE, "is because of the companies from within Gujarat acti-vely listing on the bourse, besides the BSE-ceiling factor". Says J.G. Shah, vice-president, BSE: "The Jaipur-Goa belt (including Pune) subscribes to about 50 per cent of any public issue in the country. In Gujarat, in particular, finance is relatively easily available, industrial growth is more than that in Maharashtra, and the government is investor-friendly. More than having surplus money, the habit of investing in shares, unlike in places such as Punjab and Delhi where gold and land hold more interest, is the reason for this trend. Even a small hawker in Ahmedabad, sellingRs 500 worth of wares a day, has money in shares." And according to Prithvi Haldea, managing director, PRIME database: "Small towns suffer from a lack of companies available for listing and from investors." Ahmedabad is the huge exception to this rule and it's cashing in.