
Report Saying Unemployment At '45-Year High' Not Verified, Data Still Being Processed: NITI Aayog

The NSSO assessment published by financial daily Business Standard showed that unemployment rate across the country stood at 6.1 per cent, the highest since 1972-73.

Niti Aayog Vice-Chairman Rajiv Kumar said on Thursday that the assessment by National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) conducted between July 2017 to June 2018 is still being processed and termed the report that said "unemployment rate is at 45-year high" as unverified.

Niti Aayog has also revised the GDP growth rate for 2017-18, up from 6.7 per cent earlier to 7.2 per cent.

"The government did not release the data on jobs as it is still being processed. We are of the view that when the data of this quarter are ready, we will release it," he said while briefing media persons.

Kumar said the Periodic Level Force Survey (PLFS) requires quarter-on-quarter data. PLFS was recommended by his predecessor Arvind Panagariya and the purpose was to conduct a regular survey of households so that quarterly urban employment data and annual rural data are available.

"The data collection method is different now," said Kumar. "We are using a computer-assisted personal interview in the new survey. It is not right to compare the NSSO report as final."

Earlier this week, head of National Statistical Commission (NSC) P C Mohanan and his colleague J. Meenakshi resigned, alleging delay in releasing the job data and interference by other state agencies.

The report said that joblessness stood at 7.8 per cent in urban areas compared with 5.3 per cent in rural areas. The unemployment rate for rural women stood at 13.6 per cent compared to 4.8 per cent in 2011-12.

The labour force participation rate -- the proportion of the population working or seeking jobs -- declined to 36.9 per cent in 2017-18 from 39.5 per cent in 2011-12, the report said.

Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant said new jobs are being created in the Indian economy. The nature of jobs is changing the world over. In India too, he said, people are exiting low-level jobs.


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