Three months ago, the India Tobacco Division of ITC signed up with The Underground to extend its nationwide Classic campaign to Bangalore. As part of the deal, ITC pumps financial might to sponsor musical evenings, games and quizzes with generous give-aways, such as two-in-ones, to the winners. Besides, most accessories in pubs—like ashtrays, mugs and glasses—are stamped with the logo of an ITC brand, in this case Classic. While pubs like The Downtown, The Pub World and NASA are joining the ITC bandwagon, Black Cadillac has gone one step further and has thrown open its doors to a multitude of advertisers—Pepe Jeans, KLM, Pepsi, Rothmans, Campari and even the health club of a local five-star hotel. A mug of beer is never going to be the same again.