Some foreign competition has indeed come in through fdi. But nowhere has this led to anacross-the-board slaughter of Indian brands. Foreign competition has pulled up the market(cars, TVs, batteries), catered to high-price segments and injected competition. Thelow-price segment remains an Indian preserve. In the competitive process, Indian producerswho’ve improved have survived and will eventually venture overseas. Those who ignoredthe message have gone down under and no tears need be shed.
What is a brand? A brand implies product differentiation and usp, so that consumers pay the higher premium. There have been very few Indian brands. Indian producers have competed on the basis of cost. They have sold commodities in the name of brands. That is the reason the Chinese threat is serious. Ipso facto, there can be no Indian brands that are under threat. Foreign competition will lead to true Indian brands, local and global. For that to happen, xenophobes have to be replaced by xenophiles.