Why did we have such a great fall? Most likely because we were sitting on the wall forfar too long. It's just a set of old problems that are crying out for new and drasticsolutions. The voice of the industry is clear in the CII president Arun Bharat Ram's notefor the FM meeting which says: "The biggest problem is the state of manufacturing.Uneconomic cost of capital, high cost and low quality of power, lack of flexibility in useof labour, poor infrastructure facilities and large-scale dumping by China which will growenormously in the near future." Or in K.. Memani, partner, consultancy major Ernst& Young, who avers: "Industry is sitting on a lot of capacity but with demandgrowth flat, rising costs and stagnant prices for products, there is not much it can do.This has led to a sudden slowdown. As for investment in infrastructure, it's achicken-and-egg situation."