
Grading the Reforms

Between January 22 and February 3, MODE researcherscontacted 103 senior business executives in the four metros and Bangalore and asked themto rate the reforms according to eight parameters. They were asked whether, in theiropinion, liberalisation had helped very much, helped somewhat, not had any impact,retarded growth to some extent, or retarded growth to a great extent. The responses wereconverted into scores. The average scores were then converted by Outlook intogrades, from D (1.0-1.5) and D+ (1.51-2.0) on to A+ (4.52-5.0). Forty per cent of ourrespondents were chosen from transnational corporations (TNCs) and the rest from leadingIndian business houses. There was no signifi-cant variation in the TNCs’ assessmentof the reforms and the Indian companies’.

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