In 1994, private airlines carried 36 lakh passengers, as much as halfof the number of people that erstwhile monopoly Indian Airlines flew that year. Today,there are an incredible—for those who remember pre-reforms India—35 industries,from agricultural machinery to software, from ceramics to soya products, which getautomatic approval of 51 per cent foreign equity holding. This in a country where Nestlewas forced to masquerade as Food Specialities Ltd, and Cadbury’s as Hindustan CocoaProducts! And Philips was allowed to make TV sets, but not name them Philips! In1991-92, foreign direct investment (FDI) cleared by the Government was Rs 1,170 crore.Between March and November 1995, it was Rs 25,927 crore. For the first time inpost-Independence India, the number of jobs being created every year—7.2million—is higher than the number of people coming into the job market—sevenmillion.