
Manual For The Honest Scribe

The Press Council subcommittee has recommended the following guidelines for financial journalists:

  • Financial journalists should not accept gifts, loans, trips, discounts, preferential shares or similar gratification which compromise or are likely to compromise their position.
  • A journalist who has financial interests (share holdings etc.) in a company should not report on that company.
  • No newspaper owner, editor, or anybody connected with a newspaper should use his/her relations with the newspaper to promote his/her other business interests.
  • The journalist should not use for his/her own benefit, or for the benefit of his/her relatives and friends, information received in advance for general publication.
  • Whenever the Advertising Council of India indicts a particular advertising agency or advertiser, the newspaper in which the advertisement was published must publish the news of the indictment prominently.
  • It should be mentioned prominently in a report about any company that the report is based on information given by the company or the financial sponsors of the company.
  • When trips are sponsored for visiting establishments of a company, journalists must invariably state that the visit was sponsored by the company concerned and that it had also extended hospitality, as the case may be.
  • No matter related to the company should be published without verifying the facts from the company and the source of such a report should also be disclosed.
  • A reporter who exposes a scam or brings out a report for promotion of a good project should be encouraged and awarded.
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