

The Outlook-MDRA survey of Indian websites was carried out in six cities-the four metros, Bangalore and Hyderabad-among 569 regular Net users. Of the respondents, 10 per cent were housewives and 20 per cent teenagers. The rest were salaried or self-employed professionals.

Respondents were first asked the ways they used the Internet. E-mail emerged the most important, with news and current affairs second, followed by entertainment, chat and business and finance. According to importance of usage, these areas of interest were then allotted weightages.

Respondents were then asked to list Indian sites they liked the most. Further information was obtained on how much time they spent at these sites at a stretch: less than 15 minutes, 15 to 30 minutes, or more than 30 minutes. Respondents were also asked how often they visited the sites: frequently (once a week or more), sometimes (once a fortnight or month), rarely (less than once a month).The final rankings were calculated by also combining the unaided recall of the website’s name.

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