The Assam tea industry is worried, desperately worried. If in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it was underpressure from rising militancy in the state, it is now faced with trouble on the labour front. Abductions andkillings of planters and pay-offs to insurgent groups was a common occurrence then. A decade down the line,the industry with a turnover of Rs 3,400-crore, is reeling under increasing trouble from its hitherto loyallabour force.
Assaults on top tea managers by their own workers, virtually unheard of in the past decades, have increasedalarmingly over the past five years. Says Dhiraj Kakoti, Secretary of the Assam Branch of Indian TeaAssociation (ABITA): "In our member gardens there have been 29 cases of severe assault on tea managers byworkers between 1998 and now, resulting in death of at least three tea executives." During the sameperiod, the number of abductions was nine. Militants also killed four executives in this five-year period..