Changing relationship between data regulation and innovation: With changing geopolitical dynamics, we will see increased focus around data sovereignty and consumer safety, as consumers will seek to understand how precisely their data is being used and governed. As a result, we can expect more countries to follow the likes of Poland, setting up national clouds, where banks can enjoy the benefit of cloud computing, shifting from capital expenditure (CAPEX) to operational expenditure (OPEX),even as the data remains in country. Big cloud providers will continue to canvas and work with regulators to find common ground on the best way to run their infrastructure long term. Regulators in the past have stood in the way of innovation, in part due to a lack of understanding of the competitive landscape. Banks would end up spending more on maintaining the status quo to placate regulators. While it will be a gradual shift over the next five years, I would hope banks can reduce overheads, which restricts their ability to innovate, by working with cloud providers and regulators to automate and simplify activity through increased transparency.