Come 1998-99, therefore, the government faces an unenviable task. A sum of roughly Rs 12,000 crore is pending disbursal to the states. And there's no VDIS bonanza. There's also the much-awaited PDS restructuring which will probably take up more food subsidy once the true beneficiaries, now bypassed, are identified. And the list of pending jobs is lengthening. Says Mitra: "We need to have some radical breaks, like government investment in social sector projects and construction, 51 per cent divestment in PSUs, 100 per cent insurance privatisa-tion with probably 51 per cent Indian ownership, indirect tax reforms, and finally, end to licensing and Inspector raj. In the last area, 38 punitive laws still exist." Says Gangopadhyay: "The government can never offload its PSUs, even in part, unless it's proposing an outright sale. Also, it will surely never get the price it's asking for. The idea should be to privatise them and make them profitable and efficient, and not to make money to fill expenditure gaps."