What is arbitrage, and how can it lead to ruination, as it did in Nick Leeson's case? Basically it is trying to exploit the differences in the prices of a particular scrip in various stock exchanges. For instance, at 11 in the morning, the Telco share opens at Rs 200 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), while at the Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE), the scrip opens at Rs 210. At Madras (MSE), it opens at Rs 208 while on the Ahmedabad Stock Exchange (ASE) the scrip is priced at Rs 215.A broker from a Bombay-based firm decides to buy 10,000 Telco shares at the BSE and 5,000 Telco shares at the MSE. By 12.30 pm, he is able to acquire 15,000 Telco shares at an average price Rs 202.66, though he hasn't made any payments for the shares as yet.